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Cotton Clothing
2 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Mens Cotton Black Plain Shirt, Mens Cotton Green Plain Shirt, Mens Cotton Navy Blue Plain Shirt and Mens Cotton Red Plain Shirt.
Stp into sophistication with th Harksh Tradrs Mn's Cotton Navy Blu Plain Shirta wardrob ssntial that samlssly combins classic charm with contmporary comfort. Craftd with prcision, this shirt is dsignd to lvat your vryday styl ffortlssly.
Notworthy Faturs:
Luxurious Cotton Fabric: Immrs yourslf in th unmatchd comfort of our prmium cotton fabric. Th brathabl matrial nsurs all-day frshnss, making it a vrsatil choic for both casual and formal occasions.
Navy Blu Elganc: Embrac th nduring allur of navy blu. The solid colour of this plain shirt adds an lmnt of rfind lganc to your nsmbl, making it asy to transition from th boardroom to social gathrings with rfind as.
Vrsatility Rdfind: Th Mn's Cotton Navy Blu Plain Shirt by Harksh Tradrs is a vrsatil wardrob ssntial. Whthr paird with chinos for a smart-casual look or tuckd into tailord trousrs for a polishd finish, its simplicity srvs as a prfct canvas for accssorizing to suit any occasion.
Tailord Comfort: Rvl in th wll-fittd silhoutt providd by our tailord fit dsign. Th shirt complmnts your physiqu without compromising on comfort, nsuring you xud confidnc in vry stting.
Why Harksh Tradrs?
At Harksh Tradrs, our commitmnt is to dlivr fashion that transcnds flting trnds. We focus on quality, durability, and timlss style, and our Mn's Cotton Navy Blu Plain Shirt is a tstamnt to this ddication.
Car Tips:
To maintain th pristin look of your shirt, w rcommnd machin washing in cold water and opting for air-drying. For spcific car instructions, rfr to th labl attachd to th garmnt.
Elvat your styl with th nduring appal of th Harksh Tradrs Mn's Cotton Navy Blu Plain Shirt. Mak a statmnt whrvr you goordr yours today and xprinc th prfct fusion of comfort and timlss fashion.