Bottle Volume(ml)
Length (mm)
5900 , 5600
Heating Load (KW)
54, 39`
excellent quality Automatic PET Blow Moulding Machines for PET bottle production. Our Automatic PET Blow Moulding Machines have wider wide-mouth capability, faster PET bottle production rates, and shorter changeover times. Also, they have features such as preferential heating or heat-setting capability. Our Two stage Plastic PET machines can make bottles from round to flat bottle styles. With our two stage Automatic PET Blow Molding Machines you can produce various different shaped PET containers, such as mineral water bottle, beverage bottle, cosmetics bottle, medicine bottle, pesticide bottle, edible oil bottle, milk bottle, Juice bottle and many more types of Plastic PET Bottles.Preform Handling.Robust gripping system in Loader and Ejector, to prevent breakage of grippers.Hylam Carriers for longer life and noise reduction.Close Loop Heating Control (Auto Preform Temperature Control).Positioning of Haters - Better, Faster and Simpler.Individual Heater position adjustable in both axes.Dual Neck Protection - Chilled Water and Air Ventilation for Heating Chamber with controllable Vent (for better heat penetration).