The dust suppression system is based on Dynaset hydraulic high power water pump. The dust suppression system is based on Dynaset hydraulic high power water pump. Pressured water is sprayed with atomising nozzles directly at the area being treated, making the dust particles wet. Tmore...
The main principle of this system is to wet the material after which it iskept damp, thus immobilizing the dust particles and preventing them from becoming air borne. more...
Tps is offering thedry fog dust control system as a cost effective alternative to the bag house system, in the material handling plants. Some of the salient features and advantages of the tps dry fog dust control system are as follows: more...
Tps is offering thedry fog dust control system as a cost effective alternative to the bag house system, in the material handling plants. Some of the salient features and advantages of the tps dry fog dust control system are as follows: more...