This unique blend of different herbs is found to be providing complete nutritional support to restore and maintain healthy joint function. It helps to build and strengthens the cartilage and connective tissue. It shows anti inflammatory action also. Different ingredients and theimore...
Size : 15g and 30g Collapsible tubes, 50g and 100g containers.
Gencoll Gel is a purely water soluble, non oily , clear , odourless gel. It is composed of highly purified Type-1 collagen from Bovine source as base material which acts as a delivery vehicle for the anti microbial Gentamicin Sulphate-I. Pequivalent to 0.1 % ( w/w) Gentamicin. Memore...
We offer Pharmaceutical Gel, which comprises Omnigel . This medicine is to be applied externally on joint pains and muscle cramps. It is a Pain Relief Gel to be used with great care. We source this Omni Gel from vendors who assure accuracy in chemical composition and higher shelfmore...
Description: For Joint Pain, Muscle Pain and Headaches- one stop solution.Deep penetrating herbs for long lasting relief, Reduces swelling and inflammation Lubricates joints for faster and long term recovery.Stronger & non greasy, instant pain reliever. Conatins natural ingrdientmore...
100% result in any body pain . Best ayurvedic herbs are used for relieve your pain. Dosage – 1 pack early in the morning with luke warm water. and 1 pack at bed time with luke warm water. What to do – drink 5-6 luke warm water daily, don’t drink water during meal. Daily oncmore...
In order to provide faultless products to the clients, we make sure that the inputs we use are of excellent quality. Thus, our experts keep a stringent check over the same. Supplying wide array of products, we successfully make deliveries within the dedicated time span. Prmore...