Listing ID #99761
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Contact SupplierProperties | Unit | Value |
Bulk Density | gm/cc | 0.35-0.38 |
Whiteness (Compared to MgO) | 0% | 94-96 |
Moisture | % max . | 0.4 |
Oil Absorption | % | 35-38 |
pH value | -- | 4.5-6.5 |
Specific Gravity | -- | 2.7-2.8 |
Refractive Index | -- | 1.63 |
Al2MO3 | % | 33-40 |
SIO2 | % max. | 40-46 |
Fe2O3 | % | 0.1 |
TIO2 | % max. | 0.5 |
Average particle size | micron | 2-3 |
Packing | Kgs/bag | 25 or 50 |
End Application