Listing ID #3820943
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Contact SupplierWhen one is looking to attain noise reduction by the means of a silencer, BCS offers a wide range of vent silencers for pressurized gas for various applications related to acoustic insulation, soundproofing ie., protection of workers against noise, preservation of acoustic environment, limitation of noise emissions in the energy sector. The blowdown of natural gas systems must typically be done quickly in a very short time span during maintenance operations on pipelines. This often produces noise readings well above tolerable levels. Natural gas silencers control blowdown noise through a reactive-absorptive process, which provides good attenuation across all octave frequency bands. The selection and design of natural gas silencers is dependent on the following application specific factors.
We offer a powerful solutions at a reasonable cost in response to all the needs in the matter of soundproofing by means of equipment that is either standard or tailor made for which the quality of design and execution meets the highest level of requirement in this area for an efficient fight against noise. The vent silencers for pressurized gas offered by us allows the reduction of noise for process facilities using pressurized fluids like air, oxygen, nitrogen etc., notably for the chemical industry, oil & gas sector, heavy duty industries and also for power plants
Gas Vent Silencer Features: