Listing ID #4215741
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Light Diesel Oil falls under class C category fuel having flash point above 66OC. It is a blend of distillate components and a small amount of residual components. It is marketed under BIS 1460-2000 specification for Diesel fuels. We deals in Brand like Castrol, Hindustan Petroleum (HP), Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Gulf, Veedol LDO is used in lower RPM engines. It is used in Lift irrigation pump sets, DG Sets and as a fuel in certain boilers and furnaces. |
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Reactivity Data - Chemically stable and incompatible with strong oxidizers. Does not React vigorously with common materials but may react with oxidizing agents Health Hazard Data - Routes of entry may be through inhalation/ ingestion/ skin/ eye. Â EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE / SYMPTOMSInhalation causes dizziness and headache. Â Ingestion may lead to nausea vomiting, irritation of mouth and gastro-intestinal effects likely. Potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis. On Skin and eye contact , irritation will remove natural fats from skin. Prolonged or repeated contact should be avoided, Otherwise skin chapping or cracking or possible contact of dermatitis may result. Dry skin, erythema oil acne and oil folliculitis and warty growth may occur which may become skin cancer subsequently on excessive repeated exposure. Â EMERGENCY TREATMENTInhalation - Remove victim to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if necessary. If unconscious but breathing, place in recovery (Unconscious) position and give external cardiac massage if necessary. |