Listing ID #4929086
Company Information
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Contact SupplierFor Import of Second Hand Plants, Machinery and Spares
For End Use Certification of Imported Machines
For Re Import of Export Goods
For Export of Old & Used Capital Goods
For EPCG Scheme and Foreign Trade Policy
For Installation and Commercial Production
For Useful Life under Company’s Act - 2013
For Govt. Subsidy & Incentive Schemes
Date of start of commercial production.
Evaluation Report for the plant & machinery installed, the price is as per the market value and the same are being used for the manufacturing of products as applied and approved under SPECS.
Fair Valuation of used / second hand / refurbished plant, machinery and equipment including for associated utilities and R&D, whether imported or domestically procured.
Residual Life Certification of used / second hand / refurbished plant, machinery and equipment including for associated utilities and R&D.
Fair Valuation of tools, dies, moulds, jigs, fixtures including parts, accessories, components and spares thereof.
Fair Valuation for reasonableness cost of plant, machinery, equipment and associated utilities self-fabricated including certification of the material cost.