Listing ID #4006666
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4-BIN FEEDERIt is of single chassis construction. At each Bin a radial gate is provided which can be opened in any position to regulate the aggregate flow. Individual endless belts are provided, below the gates to discharge material onto the gathering belt.
VIBRATING SCREENA single-deck vibrating screen is provided on the slinger conveyor to remove oversize aggregates received from the 4-bin feeder.
SLINGER CONVEYORAn inclined conveyor with 600 mm wide belt mounted on idlers receives aggregate from the gathering conveyor and feeds it to the pug mill.
PUG MILLA twin shaft pug mill mounted on antifriction bearing provides quick, continuous and homogeneous mix of aggregates and additives.
WATER TANKOne / Two Water Tanks of 15 / 20 MT capacity each are provided, fabricated from steel plates with manhole, flowmeter, pump etc.
MINERAL FILLERFabricated from steel, it feeds the required quantity of additives to the pug mill.
CONTROL CABINA fully automatic Control Panel is provided for controlling the quantity and quality of production with operator sitting in Air-conditioned comfort.
OPTIONALVariable Feeding Device can be provided for Belt Feeder. Wet Mix Storage Silo.