Listing ID #3654564
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Contact SupplierOur plants come in the production capacities of 100 tph, 160 tph, 200 tph with full guarantee for the performance and output. Equipment manufactured by us is known for their productivity and quality designed for smooth and trouble free operation.These plants are manufactured under strict vigilance. We also ensure trouble free operation of plant by using the best of the materials in the manufacturing process. Our experience of more than 30 years help us to produce equipment of highest standards by using the best of the raw materials. These wet mix plants have performed under rough conditions and have proved their worth.Our standard wet mix macadam plant comes with a strong pug mill mixer unit that helps in proper and uniform mixing. Storage SILO of suitable capacity is also provided so that you don't have to stop the plants while waiting for trucks. The mixing unit is the most important unit and is designed to peform under tough operation conditions.