Listing ID #6324540
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Contact SupplierFortified rice is the staple diet of almost more than half the international community. It gives 20% of the calorie intake of the world. This has made us think twice after which we at Vandana Agro Foods launched our business of supplying and exporting the fortified rice kernels.
Beginning in 2021, we initially supplied all over India. But after its global intake could be gauged, we launched our item worldwide to many countries. Today, we are immensely proud to tell you that in spite of being a new startup, we export to many different countries. Our export range extends from the USA, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Brazil, and Columbia to the Philippines, Indonesia and Burundi on the other side of the world. India is also not excluded from our list of suppliers now.
With hunger, a main cause of starvation in many countries to date, fortified rice acts like God’s blessings in such circumstances. We will never compromise with our quality. This is the saviour for many. And when we have the chance of serving the entire world community, we will make all efforts to do it with all sincerity, integrity and honesty.
With this, we assure you that we will never fail in our duty towards humanity. And under the leadership qualities of our CEO, Mr. Naveen Jalan, we will march forward with hope in our hearts to eradicate hunger from the face of the globe.