About BuyLead

What are Buy Leads?

The product/service requirement, posted by any buyer on ExportersIndia.Com, becomes a ‘buy lead’ for the seller. You can get in touch with these buy leads to sell your products faster.

What do you mean by a ‘Verified Buy lead’?

Verified Buy Lead means the contact details, i.e., either Email ID or Phone number is verified by our team. For international leads we verify the details by checking the reachability of the Email ID.

How do I search for new Buy Leads?

  •  Scroll your cursor to ‘Verified Buy leads’ on the top navigation bar
  •  From the drop-down menu, select ‘Search Buy leads’
  •  You will be redirected to the ‘Search Leads’ page
  •  In the box provided on this page, you can type the product/service for which you are looking for buy leads
  •  From the drop-down menu along it, select the country from which you want the buy lead
  •  Click on ‘Search’
  •  You can view a large number of buy leads looking for the product that you have entered

Does ExportersIndia.Com recommend latest buy leads for the products that I’ve posted?

Yes, ExportersIndia.Com recommends latest buy leads according to the products/services that you have added.

Where can I view the latest buy leads recommended by ExportersIndia.Com?

You can view the recommended latest buy leads in your ‘My Folder’ on ExportersIndia.Com as well on your email inbox.

  •  We send you an updated list of the latest buy leads based on the products/services you are offering. This list is sent to your registered email id on a daily basis.
  •  You can also view the list of latest buy leads in your ‘My Folder’ on this portal

How do I view ‘Latest Buy Leads’ in my folder?

  •  Login to ExportersIndia.Com and go to ‘My Folder
  •  Scroll your cursor to ‘Verified Buy leads’ on the top navigation bar
  •  From the drop-down menu, select ‘Latest Buy leads’
  •  You will be redirected to the ‘Latest Buy Leads’ page
  •  Here, you can view an updated list of the latest buy leads for the products/services you have added

How do I filter the buy leads in my folder according to the location?

On the ‘Latest Buy Leads’ page, above the list of latest buy leads, you can find three filters, ‘Foreign’, ‘My Country’, and ‘My State’. You can click on any of these sections to view the leads from your state, your country or only foreign leads.

How do I set location preference for the latest buy leads I receive on my email?

  • Scroll your cursor to ‘Verified Buy leads’ on the top navigation bar
  • From the drop-down menu, select ‘Location Preference’
  • You will be redirected to the ‘Location Preference’ page
  • Here, you can choose the location from where you want buy leads.
  • Worldwide Buyers: By selecting this, you will get buy leads from all parts of the world, including your country.
  • International Buyers Only: By selecting this, you will get buy leads from different countries, except your own.
  • [Your Country] 

    Buyers Only: By selecting this, you will get buy leads only from your own country.
  • Nearby Location Only: By selecting this, you will get buy leads from your state, city and its nearby locations.

What happens when I purchase a Buy Lead?

When you purchase a buy lead, you will be able to access the contact details of the buyer like his/her contact number and email id.

How do I purchase a Buy Lead?

  • You can search buy leads or go to the ‘latest buy leads’ page to find new buy leads
  • Select the buy lead that you want to purchase
  • On the right side of the lead, you can view the ‘Buy this Offer Now’ option
  • Click on the ‘Buy this Offer Now’ button
  • You will be redirected to the ‘Buy This Lead’ page
  • Click on the ‘Buy This Lead’ button on the right
  • For the first purchase of each session, you would be asked to enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile number
  • Enter the OTP and click on ‘Buy This Lead’ once again to purchase the lead

How many leads can I purchase in a month?

The number of leads you can purchase each month depends on the plan/membership you have chosen. You would be provided with a fixed number of leads that would be extended to you each month. The leads would be credited on the day of membership activation for the first month and in the following months these would be credited on 1st of every month.

In addition to that, you can also purchase more leads package to increase your limit of leads’ purchase per month.

I have taken my membership towards the end of the month and am unable to consume my leads? What should I do?

Do not worry. If you have taken the membership towards the end of the month and are unable to consume the leads for that particular month, you will be credited the same lead limit in the last month of your membership.

Suppose I have taken membership on 15th September 2018 and it expires on 15th September 2019. Will I not get any leads for September 2019?

Your leads limit would not end on August 2019. Instead, you will get the same leads limits for September month that you can use till 15th September.  

ExportersIndia.Com offers you the same credit limit for the last month as well in case your package in ending towards the middle of the month.

Will my leads lapse if I do not purchase them in the given month?

Yes, the leads that are unused for a particular month would lapse and NOT be carried forward to the next month. So, it is advised that you use our complete lead limit every month.

What is the total limit for purchasing leads in a month?

The actual limit for purchasing leads in a month depends on the membership/plan you have chosen. Your limit is increased when you take the additional leads package. However, the total limit for purchasing leads in a month cannot be more than 150.

Where can I view all the leads that I’ve purchased?

  • Scroll your cursor to ‘Verified Buy leads’ on the top navigation bar
  • From the drop-down menu, select ‘Purchased Buy Leads’
  • You will be redirected to the ‘Purchased Buy Leads’ page where you can view all the leads you have purchased for the month

What actions can I take with the Purchased Leads?

  •  You can click on ‘Reply to this Buyer’ to send any reply along with quotation to the particular purchased lead
  •  You can click on ‘Refund Request’ in front of the selected lead to make a refund of the same

How do I contact the Purchased Leads?

  • In the purchased leads section, select the lead you want to contact
  • Click on the ‘Reply to this Buyer’
  • You will be redirected to the ‘Inquiry Details’ page
  • Here, you can read the message sent by the buyer, choose a price range, and write down your message to send an instant reply to the interested buyer.

What if the contact details of the buy lead are incorrect?

In case the contact details of the lead you have purchased are incorrect, you can initiate a refund request within 5 days of purchasing the lead.

Can I refund a purchased lead?

Yes, if you are unable to contact the buyer on the given details, you can initiate a refund request to get a refund of your purchased lead.

The refund request cannot exceed 25% of the assigned lead quota and the request can be processed directly via the member folder in which the refund option would be inaccessible once the limit is exceeded irrespective of the reason cited for refund.

How do I make a refund request?

  • Go to the ‘Purchased Products’ page
  • Scroll down to the lead you want to refund
  • On the right side of the lead, you need to click on the ‘Refund Request’ button
  • A ‘Lead Refund’ pop-up would appear showing your refund limit
  • Choose a reason for making the refund and click on ‘Refund’
  • Your purchased lead would be refunded instantly

How many leads can I refund?

You can refund 25% of the total lead limit you have for that year; the year being calculated from the starting month of your membership to December that year. So, if you have 2 leads per month and your membership started on September 2018, you can refund 25% of 8 (2 leads per month, 8 for 4 months till December), i.e., 2 leads.

If your membership ends in September 2019 and you get 2 leads per month, you can refund 25% of 18 (2 per month, 18 for 9 months till September), i.e., 5 leads for the year 2019.

Can I refund my purchased lead any time?

No, you can only refund a lead within 5 days of purchasing it.

Where can I view the leads that I have refunded?

  •  Scroll your cursor to ‘Verified Buy leads’ on the top navigation bar
  •  From the drop-down menu, select ‘Refunded Buy Leads’
  •  You will be redirected to the ‘Refunded Purchased Buy Leads’ page
  •  Here, you can view all the purchased buy leads that you have refunded

I want to purchase more buy leads but my monthly limit is over? What should I do?

For those who have exhausted their monthly buy leads, you can purchase more buy leads by purchasing the ‘Buy Lead Package’. With this package, you can get 25 more leads that you can use to purchase more buy leads.

How do I purchase the ‘Buy Lead Package’?

  •  Scroll your cursor to ‘Verified Buy leads’ on the top navigation bar
  •  From the drop-down menu, select ‘Purchase More Leads’
  •  Click on ‘Buy Now’ to purchase the ‘Buy Lead Package’
  •  You can follow the steps to make payment for successful purchase

I have purchased a new buy lead package. What is my total limit now?

Your total lead purchasing limit is the sum of the monthly leads allocated to you and the extra leads you have purchased.

Total limit = Total monthly limit + Purchased Credit Balance

Will my remaining monthly leads be carried forward if I renew my membership?

No, none of the remaining monthly leads would be carried forward even if you renew your membership.

Will my purchased credit balance be carried forward if I renew my membership?

Yes, your purchased credit balance would be carried forward if you have renewed the membership before its expiry.

When my membership package expires, will the remaining leads lapse?

Yes, all the remaining leads balance, including that month’s active leads and purchased credit balance, all leads will lapse on the expiry of your membership package.

Where can I view the transaction history of all the leads that I’ve purchased?

  • Scroll your cursor to ‘Verified Buy leads’ on the top navigation bar
  • From the drop-down menu, select ‘Transaction History’
  • You will be redirected to the ‘Buy Leads Transaction History’ page
  • Here, you can view all the leads that you have purchased, date of purchase and whether the lead is refunded or not
  •  You can click on any lead to instantly know their details as well

Where can I view my remaining leads balance?

You can view the remaining leads balance on the top of the ‘Buy leads Transaction History’ page as well as on top of the ‘Search Buy Leads’, ‘Latest Buy leads’ and ‘Purchased Buy Leads’ pages.

The available limit is displayed in red on top while you can click on the down arrow to view the monthly limit, purchased credit balance, and the number of refunds made.