Jas azos is an important organism which fixes atmospheric nitrogen as an associate symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacterium. Jas azos secretes growth-promoting substances like Gibrellic acid and cytokinins which enhance tillering, growth and vigour of the crops. Recommendemore...
Jas Rhizo are most effective in converting atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia in symbiosis with legumes. Jas Rhizo inoculants are known to fix 50-200 kg nitrogen/hectare depending upon the legume crop and fertility status of the soil. Nitrogen requirement of the legume crops is subsmore...
Jas azoto contains Azotobacter - a free-living bacterium that fixes atmospheric nitrogen, and has hence been used as a very effective bio-fertilizer for several non-leguminous crops including fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants. Azotobacter has the ability to produce more...