A biofertilizer (also bio-fertilizer ) is a substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrientmore...
Benefits- Mycorrhiza increases bio availability of inorganic and organic phosphorous. Provides plant with necessary strength to resist disease germs and unfavourable weather conditions. It increses availability of all Major and micronutrients. It is Capable of increasing yeild ofmore...
Features : We can provide a consortium/mixture of various bacteria/fungi/micro organisms as per requirement.
Storage : Store the bottles in a cool and dry place away from direct heat and sunlight.
Benefits of Thiobacillus thiooxidans : Provides Sulphur already available in the soil in fixed form.
Tierra Overseas is manufacturer and supplier of high quality Thiobacillus thiooxidans (Sulphur solubilizing bactieria) in India. Sulphur is one of the 17 essential plant nutrients. It is a macronutrient required by plants for synthesis of enzymes, oils, chlorophyll amore...
Storage : Store the bottles in a cool and dry place away from direct heat and sunlight.
Tierra Overseas is manufacturer and supplier of high quality VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza) in India. Mode of Action The fungus provides mutualistic association between roots and nutrients by penetrating in the plant root cells and thereby producing balloon lmore...
Grow Phyton is a mutualistic symbiotic soil fungi that does not cause root diseases. Instead, it benefits the host plants. The Mycorrhizal fungi form colonies on the roots of the host plant to complete life cycles. It also increases the ability of plants to absorb water and necesmore...
Grow Bacter is a free living nitrogen fixing bacterium. It lives in association with plant roots and fixes atmospheric nitrogen in readily available form to plants. It is a high respiring organism and hence works well in soils having sufficient organic matter. It is also known fomore...