Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (p.s.b) improves availability of phosphorus to the plant and helps in faster and strong root growth development. Specially recommended for vegetables grown under soil such as potato, carrot, radish, beet root, sweet potato, ginger etc.more...
Best Before : 3 Years from the Date of Manufacture
POWDER : Viable cell count 5 X 107, pH – 6.5- 7.5, moisture %( carrier based) – 30 to 40%
ContainsFrauteriaaurantia- a microbial inoculants capable of solubilizing potash. Is suitable for all crops.The product is available as liquid formulation and carrier based formulation. Description: Around 95-99% of the total soil potash is insoluble as it gets bound to the clay more...
It Contains zinc mobilizing bacteria, a microbial inoculant capable of solubilizing zinc, is suitable for all crops. ZMB can solubilize about 20-30 kg of insoluble source of zinc and make it available to plants.more...
Biofertilizer -Seed Treatment - This serves as a broad spectrum bio fertilizer for all pulses crops. Additionally it helps in synthesizing antibiotic substances, which control various fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of plants. Mode of action- Rhizobia are nitrogen-fiximore...
It provides Potassium to the plants naturally. This beneficial bacterium capable of mobilizing available Potassium into near the roots of the plants because of which it increase the availability of more potassium in usable form to the plants. It is a natural alternative to chemicmore...